
Case study 2

Female patient, 30 years, breast cancer with metastases

It hit the young Dutch patient as a shock when she received the diagnosis of breast cancer in February 2007. She immediately underwent her counseling therapy and breast surgery followed by chemotherapy.

The results of the pre- and post-surgery tests carried out were devastating: although the tumor itself could be removed from the healthy tissue, all the removed lymph nodes were also infested already at that time with a total of 17 tumor cells. Apparently, the cancer had spread very quickly in the body. The further treatment with chemotherapy from June 2007 with Herceptin went according to plan.

In control studies to complete the orthodox medical treatment in June 2008, bone metastases in the spine were first detected. The treating oncologist in Holland could now recommend only a palliative irradiation of the bone foci of the patient. Unfortunately chances of a cure or stop were not feasible anymore.

Thus, the then 30-year herself was not satisfied. Together with her whole family and kinship, they began to the search for other methods of treatment. They finally found their way into practice Siebenhüner. Here, the patient was informed in detail about the various options of integrative cancer therapy. Together with the doctors, she decided to combine treatment, inter alia, with hyperthermia and Insulin Potentiation-therapy.

The treatment was well tolerated and significantly bettered the atmosphere due to the possibilities, but her continuation to fight against the disease quickly put her in a much better physical condition.

 In April 2009, a control PET scan was conducted in Germany, which brought an equally amazing positive result: all metastases previously found in the vertebrae were no longer detectable, and even more; it was found that throughout the body no activity of a tumor was noted.