Insulin is a vital hormone and formed in for all life forms in the pancreas. The role of insulin is to get the body cells to “open” because the only way the blood glucose can pass through the cell membrane is into the cell. This is a fundamental process for each person and has to do with the sugar disease diabetes but only so much that the process of glucose uptake is impaired in the body cells.
This property of the insulin cells in general is to enhance the assimilation of drugs, open cells, so drugs can intensively enter the cells which one wants to treat. The modern use of insulin within the IPT was = insulin potentiation Therapy is now further developed from us so far in recent years, that during therapy no critical hypoglycemia occurs, as very few units of insulin are used to grant the cell opening, ie of the therapeutic target. The blood sugar level drops only so far as it sometimes falls even when experiencing strong hunger Insulin ensures that appropriate medications are specifically “absorbed” by the diseased cells, because these cells are sick, they have more “nutrient windows” in the form of insulin receptors because they grow increasingly, ie proliferate, compared to healthy cells.
This treatment has been proven useful for the following diseases:
- Cancers
- Infectious diseases
- Disease
- Chronic inflammation
- Rheumatic diseases
- Autoimmune diseases
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Asthma
The SPECIAL thing about our IPT – this is a gentle and effective therapy for our patients: