About us
The center of the Advanced Medicine for individual holistic therapies
The clinic Doctor Siebenhuener in the center of the Advanced Medical Frankfurt specializing in a holistic integrative medicine. For over 35 years, we combine effective alternative biological treatments in advanced medicine and natural healing methods with methods of conventional medicine. This is the healing together the best medicine of experience with current scientific medicine. This is the model of holistic medicine.
Latest technology in conjunction with previously confirmed scientifically complementary medical approaches offer promising new individual and holistic therapies. This approach can achieve amazing results of treatment. Our objectives are to strengthen the immune system to get your quality of life in the context of a disease or we enhance to keep side effects of toxic therapies low to increase chances of healing and increase your life expectancy by effective therapies. Together with you, we combine the best properties of various holistic therapies and set individually for you and your needs is precisely tailored to your individual therapy concept together.
As a German center for alternative cancer treatments is the biological cancer therapy center for us. The individual combination of useful and appropriate medicine alternative cancer therapy is implemented in our department of biological cancer therapy. Here are several forms of hyperthermia, local and full-body hyperthermia and fever therapy, combined with other alternative cancer therapies individually compiled for our patients for an exact individual treatment plan. With these many different types of hyperthermia hyperthermia our center Frankfurt is one of the largest providers in Germany.
As a holistic therapy concept involving body, mind and spirit, these biological alternative cancer therapies are complemented by an individual nutrition, stimulation of self-healing, immune activation and possibly mental training.
In our department, we use the chronic disease self-healing powers of nature and the body in which we this by hyperthermia / perhaps. fever and detoxification and deacidification support. Previously, an accurate diagnosis is provided by our vulnerability analysis that has been proven to control a very individual therapy.
The holistic therapy is only one goal in our center of the Advanced Medical: your comprehensive individual health.
For more information about the different diagnostic procedures and
alternative, biological or complementary therapies
contact us – we will gladly advise you!
Clinic Dr. med. Siebenhüner
Telephone +49 (0) 69-63 2000